Prayer of CBCP President Valles: Never lose hope

December 31, 2017 - 3:38 PM
Archbishop of Davao Romulo Valles, who is President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines

Pray for one another in calamities or difficult times, this was the message of Archbishop of Davao Romulo Valles, who is President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, as the year 2017 comes to a close.

“Lord almighty and loving God we pray for our people especially to those who are suffering and those who died in the recent storms and even as one is set to be coming to the Philippines.

“We pray for the homeless, the elderly and children.

“Let us pray that they would never lose hope, the goodness of the Lord and faith and love and care for the Lord

“Let us pray that many people of goodwill, communities and many organizations will never tire to bring aid, help and comfort to those who are suffering.

“Let us pray for all and each one, so that when we welcome the New Year even with darkness and so much suffering we will keep our faith in the mercy and compassion of the Lord. Will keep our hope that through our kindness and care for each other, people will know and feel that the Lord is love.”