REFLECTION | ‘God so loved the world that he sent his only Son’

June 11, 2017 - 7:49 PM

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might will not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”
—John 3: 16-18

There is only one God and no other. And God is Trinity. The Father has sent and revealed himself in His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit who has descended and has been sanctifying the world.

As we give our worship to our Triune God, we also become instruments and channels of God’s saving love to humanity. Today, the faithful are encouraged to celebrate Trinity Sunday with pure love just like the love that God has been giving us. It was love that has moved the Father to send his Son Jesus to save us. It is because of God’s love that we enjoy life. Love is the reason why God is still present among us through His Spirit, the Advocate, the Helper.

Christianity is the only organized religion and faith-system in the world wherein God also became man like the rest of us. This is really unimaginable and unfathomable to some—for God becoming man like us. God became flesh in Jesus who was born from a woman whose name was Mary. He lived among us, grew up, and had done great things in the name of his Father in heaven. Jesus, the Son of God, was obedient to his Father until his death. He practically did everything except to commit sin, as He is God.

In the Old Testament, God our Father through His Spirit had been calling, inviting, anointing, and sending people to the world as his messengers. We have known God in the stories shared with us and in the prophesies found in the scriptures. In the different testimonies and messages of the patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, and most significantly from the simple and lowly people, we come to know God. God revealed Himself to men and women who knew how to listen and keep his commandments.

The prophesy has been fulfilled in Jesus: “For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten son to save the people and would have eternal life with Him.”

In the New Testament, Jesus’ life is unfolded and was revealed to all who listened. The promise of love and salvation came to fulfillment in Jesus who was sent by the God so we may not perish and in order that we may live in God’s presence.

It was because of love, the love of the Father to us that he gave his only Son for our ransom, so we may live, so we may be restored to life.

How are we in our following of Jesus? Are we enjoying life and salvation in Him? Have we changed our old ways to the ways of God? Do we follow His will heartily just like Jesus who obeyed his Father until his last moment here on earth? Do we bring love and salvation in our families, in our circle of friends, and in our communities?

The Lord has not condemned the world even if people have disobeyed and displeased Him very much. He has come to save us and do we believe in this? During the time of Jesus, a few good men and women believed in him and followed him. Though not always faithful and obedient, God’s mercy is enough. It is not of human standards but of God’s. Jesus is God’s best gesture of his love for us for only thru Jesus that we are reconnected to God every time we falter and fail. Do we really believe the great love of God to us? Faith is a gift for those who are willing to receive it.

When a person has love, one has salvation. When a person has love, one experiences God. When a person has love, one is not condemned but saved. When a person has love, one grows in grace and lives in peace. The fact is, God the Father sent his Son, and the Son obeyed so must we obey to God. When we are sent to love, do we love without conditions and boundaries? When we are sent to share love, do we share it willingly and joyfully with others?

Let us pray, reflect, and ask ourselves:

Do I believe that Jesus is the only Son of the Father who saves and gives life?

Do I believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, “One God” in three persons/characters.

Do I share the Trinitarian love with those who do not know God and to those who had gone away from God?

Prayer: Almighty and Ever-living God, we thank you for saving and loving us through Jesus your Son, who is our Lord, savior, and brother. Thank you for giving us a life lived in grace through the blood of Christ. May we not forget your love for us and so we do our part of loving and serving others, friends and strangers. May your saving Word inspire us to take the challenge and task of new evangelization in our world today. This we ask through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Intention: Let us pray for those who are persecuted in their faith and work, may the Triune God strengthen them and empower them to be strong in their faith and resolve. Let us also remember those who ask for our prayers, may their intentions and good works become pleasing acts of love to God and to our neighbors. Let us pray for peace and the immediate conflict- resolution in Marawi and other war- torn parts of the world. We pray for the eternal peace of all those who died and consolation for their bereaved families. remember our brothers and sisters