From news updates to grocery shopping: How Filipino moms are maximizing Twitter experience

May 8, 2020 - 8:04 PM
Mom with smartphone
Woman with a smartphone. (Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Moms take the spotlight as microblogging platform Twitter celebrates the upcoming Mother’s Day by highlighting the topics that matter to them the most as parents.

Unknown to many, 25% of its online users based in the Philippines are composed of mothers who are mainly millennials.

The data was based on a study cited by the platform, the 2019 Global Web Index.

Being some of the youngest mothers in their group, these moms are also the most technologically-inclined among their peers.

“As the platform of choice for real-time information, moms go to Twitter to search for #WhatsHappening around the globe and even proudly share their motherhood journey on Twitterverse,” the platform noted in a statement.

They rounded up some of the most common topics that moms talk about when they go to the social networking service.

Get real-time information 

As one of the forefront platforms in terms of releasing real-time updates and reports, Filipino moms go to Twitter to keep themselves updated on news and current affairs.

The platform said that 60% of mothers rely on social media to stay up-to-date on happenings.

Around 48% of them have specifically read a news report on Twitter itself.

Sharing MOMents 

Some mothers also utilize the platform to keep their relatives and friends updated amid the community quarantine, as well as share precious moments they have with their children.

Other mothers also use the platform to share insights which their peers can learn from.

All about pop culture 

It might be surprising but Twitter noted that “over 45% of moms search for updates about the latest series.”

This includes newbie mom Anne Curtis-Smith who fangirled over famous South Korean dramas like “Crash Landing On You” and “Itaewon Class.”

Tips, tips, tips

Moms also use the microblogging platform to share tips to their fellow peers, from skincare routines to small hacks that can make their lives convenient.

“Moms surely have some practical tips and advice on how to win in life, and they can definitely learn from one another by sharing it on Twitter,” the platform noted.

Shopping for family 

Twitter also revealed that 70% of moms on the platform are the “main food shoppers in the household.”

In the United StatesPew Research Center also noted that women tend to do the cooking and grocery shopping in the household more than their male counterparts.

The microblogging platform said that it is an evidence that mothers “truly want the best for their families.”

It added that this “reflects on their effort to provide everything that their loved ones need.”