Bubbles in Hong Kong harbor are Japanese artist’s thought-stirrer


HONG KONG (Reuters)—Millions of bubbles floated across Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour on Wednesday, the latest public art exhibition by Japanese artist Shinji Ohmaki.

Bubbles in Hong Kong harbor are Japanese artist’s thought-stirrer. Photo by Bobby Yip/Reuters.

His project, titled “Memorial Rebirth”, uses a three-meter (10-foot) tall, six-tiered machine with 50 bubble-producing units to spew out 10,000 bubbles every minute, using up about 35 liters of bubble mix every 15 or 20 minutes.

Bubbles in Hong Kong harbor are Japanese artist’s thought-stirrer. Photo by Bobby Yip/Reuters.

“I wanted to create a space made with bubbles and light for people to ponder, ‘What would happen if the world disappeared instantly like a bubble?'” said Ohmaki, 47, reflecting on the transient nature of his piece.

The exhibition runs to August 20 in Hong Kong.

Bubbles in Hong Kong harbor are Japanese artist’s thought-stirrer. Photo by Bobby Yip/Reuters.