WATCH | What does chicharon have in common with gummies? You’ll never look at the treats the same way again (or maybe you will)


Over eten – De weg van een snoepje from Eén on Vimeo.

In the Vimeo video clip above, Belgian filmmaker Alina Kneepkens unrolls gummy production footage in reverse, creating a movie short that’s almost fit for Halloween. It details the production of gummy candy from … er, does that look like the carcass of a pig? Well, just watch. OK?

Those yummy gummies. Tart, sweet, perky, in some forms “wormy” even.

In the Philippines, gelatin is mostly associated with agar, carageenan, or alginates – gulaman – from seaweed and sea algae. Much of the local gelatin that we know is plant-based.

However, not all gelatins are plant-based. In other countries, the gelatin could be made from gelling agents extracted from animal skin and bones.

But, wait. There are kosher and halal gummies, too. Safe for the squeamish.

For markets where pork can’t be eaten, the Haribo brand uses bovine gelatin. In Turkey, there’s a Haribo factory that does just this, making halal/kosher gummies, produced according to MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia), European Institute of Halal Certification and Turkish Standards Institution. They are duly surveyed, examined and approved as HALAL by the consent of institutes council of Islam Scholars.

And, Goody Good Stuff all-natural gummy candy, has come to the rescue with a plant-derived bio-gum completely free of animal by-products. Read it here ->
Healthy Vegan Gummy Candies

As for Alina Kneepkens’ video. Don’t worry. Much of the gore has actually been left out. It starts with the finished gummy, and unreels backwards through the production line. Go watch!